Friday 11 November 2011

IDL@Nainital 2011 - Brother's Disciples

The Integrated Development Lab at Nainital was one of the most wonderful experience of our lives. It started with apprehension, changed into fun and learning as the time progressed through the IDL and ended with want of more.
Apart from the fun part of it (we had a lot of those), on a more serious note we first hand witnessed about the team building and group psychology. It gave us the best example of Tuckman's Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing - Adjourning model of group development. Formed into groups of ten we saw best forms of comradeship and group friction.
The yoga and pranayam along with stress management classes opened a new way of life for us. Never it was so evident to us that how chronically stressed out life is and what are its repercussions and how easy was it to deal with them.
The outdoor activities brought us out of our comfort zone and made us test our limits. We learnt the difference between the actual (20%) and perceptual (80%) fear.
We don't know how much of this learning we were able to get imbibed into us, but surely we came out as better men!

Do visit us on our Picasa web album to take a look at out snaps and videos of outdoor activities.

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